Friday, July 18, 2008

life ain't all that balanced out

This post i dedicate to all those looking to reaffirm that your lives are spicier and more curry-ish than mine

...which currently is like fish- ball soup...

the greatness
the sadness

my darling brother provided me much humour by:

telling me that a snake "clucks"..
calling a xylophone "pinkles"..
bringing back a

for sale
contact: Dass 012-369XXXX

sign that was to be stuck on my sister's forehead upon
his return from a house that the parents wanted to get rid off..
ooh and he also came out fourth in his Malay reading competition
even if he read
'Guru puji Susi'
"Gu-wuu pu-jiii Suu-see"
*tears of pride*

i can also strangle him for his terrible writing
which btw isn't any worse than mine la

my piano came after like forever
*does little celebratory jig*
mum calls it a monstrosity
i call it my new love
at least for now la
haha at least i'm like still almost a head taller than it

it had a cacat-ed sounding D key
i am thoroughly and terribly annoyed

i went to mid today to watch Journey to the Centre of the Earth
totally un-preplanned but then again it was
really nice movie but seeing the on-and-on-and-on-and-on queue in
MV we decided to walk over to gardens and were 15 mins late..
but really was well worth it!!
then helena and i decided to lepak for a bit whilst Joyce and Rina wanted to go back to coll
as they had Christian Fellowship meeting

i saw
a very very veerrrryyy the nice pair of shoes and decided that yes i have to have them
but of course seeing my sui luck when it comes to these things
so anti-climax i tell you
eesh! "blardee lucky fella whoever you are who got the last pair of that size"

my moral studies exam i definitely aced despite my sole attempt at studying
ended up with me falling asleep on the coach... as usual =D
i love my teacher.. she ajar me till i so keng in this subject..
tuition anyone ???

accounts is doomed
17 chapters 3 months
so now gonna have classes like 12 hrs a week.. maybe 16...
hours and hours and hours of mr. jayan
now isn't coll life all that ?

i have a very delicious durian downstairs

i have no idea of how to get it open

i have discovered that the human race despite being the only ones gifted
with the ability to think hardly ever do use this god bestowed gift
and rather react based on their most neanderthal of instincts ...
as to why i am yet to discover.. : p
"sensible people always think before they act, but fools advertise their ignorance"
to quote the Bible

i think i've managed to upset quite a number of people
by no fault of mine which upsets me as i really did not mean to upset anyone but then
i was just being me and i wasn't then that would upset me and others would be
upset as to why i was upset so everyone would be upset so it's better that i be me
and you people all just grow up!!!.. haha
btw, some people have the innate ability of truly pissing me off
none of you guys tho... you, i hearts!

so yea life is really balanced out
speaking of which,
did you know that yin is realated to negativity i.e
cold, hunger, pain, misery, loss and FEMALES!!!!
now isn't that just wrong ???
and males are said to be categorised in yang i.e
all positive elements like warmth, contentment etc...
utter nonsense!

so okay, some things just don't balance out..
like those shoes!
i'm miserable.. really and truly
but be reassured..
i'm so totally grateful
1. for the food in my tummy
2. for the clothes on my back
3. for the love that i have
and all that

p.s : any temans to watch Sex and the City ???

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