Friday, August 1, 2008

today as usual

i woke up

stared at the clock

then had the nasty feeling i was late


then realised i wasn't


anyhows, after getting ready this just had to happen la

at the road branching out to cheras-connought area, there was a massive traffic jam.. literally a stand still

time entering bedlam : 9.20 a.m

crawl crawl crawl

inch inch inch

watch firemen on bikes pass us with hydraulic cutters and ambulances squeeze by

*rolls eyes.. accident.. great.. now stuck forever la*

distance covered : not even 500 metres

time now : 9.53 a.m

class : 10.00 a.m

then attempted a short-cut thanks to the brilliance of my dad's friend

a million thanks to you uncle dason!

managed to bypass a whole load of cars and probably saved another 2 hours

yes the jam was that bad!

then got out at that Giant hypermart, everyone knows that Giant hypermart rite ?

and saw a huge lorry which had crashed into the side stone banking

but because of the many many cars, couldn't get a decent pic : s

these are the ones i sempat-ed to snap

very sibuk people who are watching

some even parked they're cars on the opposite side of the road and crossed over.. lifeless!

see those at the top of the flyover causing a jam on the mrr2..

malaysians i tell you

nearing the wreckage

apparently some big car and a lorry had a collision which sent the lorry all the way to the opposing lane of traffic and even tearing down the divider.. wohoa!

closer view

even closer view and wth?? it was a ssang yong stavic.. was la

back portion of the once stavic now pile of besi buruk .. so hancur-ed

there were not one.. not two.. but three ambulances.. okay maybe two

and also the fire brigade and alam flora and police

major disaster

but before i could get a pic of the victim some person got in the way

*picture a human sized immobolized errm... being*

maybe.. just maybe another minister was involved.. possible.. very possible

malicious murder set up as freak accident


*scratches chin*

kilometre long traffic pile up after scene of accident

must be due to this

kepohs all parked at the side of the road to watch the awesome.. sorry! gruesome accident

move on people.. some of us might actually have 'productive' activity to do

haiz, time arrived at coll : 10.45

one hour


forty-five minute

inconveniance just because people who think they can drive really well honestly.. truthfully.. actually.. CAN'T!!!

sedar diri la you people

and more power to you malaysian who stop stupid ah bengs from tailing ambulances and himpit-ing us... stupid ah bengs.. think you'll can get away with it?

now my head is pounding as though the devil decided to give his entire fleet of demons, jins, and other whatyoumaycallthem new armour, helmets, swords, lances, shields, chain-mail, axes, and cannons and decided to forge them in my head.. yikes!

now observe the picture below

note the giant swirly

it represents knowledge

or so my accounts lecturer says

the centre circle :

knowledge to begin with

the expanding swirlies :

increase in knowledge on the quest to gain it

final big round circle :

after completing the search for knowledge

right right

i'm exhausted


p.s : drive safe now!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Tharshini'd make a great writer....I am proud of you and your many unseen talents.Keep up the great blogging and my best wishes in all of your future endeavours. God bless!
