Monday, December 22, 2008


i shall blorrgg!

having said that i shall now commit my(lazy)self to the task ahead

i got the pics up a couple of days back bt the post is coming out now ny la.. maaf ye!


we went to the a'famose resort and spent a night there.. for the day, we were at animal world/safari.. and though some say the tickets are pricy and what not i say that it was well worth considering the numerous (4) animal shows and the animals all look content and well fed.. besides there rlly isn't anything else that you could do about there..

i knew instinctively that this safari would be good when i caught one of the red indian girl mascots dry humping a dustbin


so in we went

and my daddy so berani went and petted a huge lion cub/growing up adolescent more like.. and then the handler came and went no no!

apparently simba jr is pretty wild and were he not half asleep, dad could have lost his hand

then we went for the elephant show which was rlly good i must say

the elephant does thai massages

though she was a girl and hit him in the sensitve region a couple of time.. cheekines i tell you.. hmm spare parts anyone?

elephant on bike

elephant throwing basketball

elephant playing football

elephant and i

(loooooooove animals)

then we went to the chicken farm where they had many chickens and these adorable chicks

cute cute?

but unfortunately they meet their demise in the jaws of a beatiful reticulated python or a hungry alligator.. sad wei

(sucky picture quality due to the glass O.o)

a chicken whose feathers grow backwards.. they're bred that way because some one (weird dude) thought it looked good.. hmm your hair all come cover your forehead and face and neck nice meh?

fat fluffy cute chicken

a phoenix cock.. in ancient china, their tail feathers can supposedly grow 15 to 20 feet long so they're kept on high up perches.. kinda like the peacock

oh and some lady, the kind people don't rlly take too i presume, thought her kids
" girl girls see, kentucky fried chicken.. hmm kfc so yummy kan"
how awesome is that for conservation

you know i rlly think there should be these voice activated pick on key words machines around these places.. so when someone approaches an exotic bird and goes 'look....kfc....yummy'.. THWACK! they get one good boinker on their head..
same goes for those who go to aquaria and say 'sharks fin babe!'.. they shld be dumped in with the fishies!

that's what i think la!

after checking out the birds and their eggs, we went for the multi-animal show
many many pics so just briefly aites


animals pick up litter.. people people work with me here!

introducing puma, cheetah, and tiger

all kucing biasa ny...... cheh!

aww korrengge in boxers... hehe, it touches my heartstrings

a beauty is it nt?

after that we went for the animal safari.. pretty cool as the animals roam wild and we are the ones caged up

and look!.. i got a souvenir.. a lil pet monyet!

told ya they're free

half sotong-ed out already, it was time for the wild wild west show

the sounds, effects, smell of gunpowder, waahh... very convincing!

pssst... the red indians, awesome six pacs :)

daya loved this cowboy... hmm

an albino peacock.. there were albino peahens too.. different yet gorgeous

heading back from monkey island where tame monkeys swing from tree to tree and peacocks and guinea fowls roam free... tata' pretty gibbons


chicken rice balls... sooo good!

then we went to the malacca maritime museum.. i love museums, even as a kid, so one built into a ship... woot!

old maps.. can u see malaysia?... it's the one that looks like a err... err...

old emergency lights.. just imagine lugging them about

at night, we went over to the portugese settlement for dinner..

food was okay but the christmas decorations.... awesome!

seems the agung is coming so the streets are all being prettied up..

even the tiny wooden houses had hung out lights and baubles.. seems to say a lot bout the holiday spirit doesn't it?


i noe, it's beautiful, stunning, amazing....

most of the houses on the streets are shimmering shinning splendid!

bt one house outshone them all.. the king is stopping by to visit them you see.. so they really went all out.. blown up santa clauses and snowmen, lil gnomes, reindeer on the ceiling, small fantasy houses... it should be christmas all year round weih!

and most of them even had nativity scenes all set up in little grottos in front of the house


(with flash)

you could just see baby jesus lying on the hay with mother mary and the three wise kings around him.. and the animals sharing the manger too as well..

(without flash)

well that's about it peeps.. i gotta rush now as i'm heading over to helena's for christmas lunch.. more updates l8r.. loves and merry christmukkah!

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